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1 Jan 2014

Hyderabad Industries lawsuit (re asbestos contamination, India)


Date lawsuit was filed
1 Jan 2014
Jahr korrekt
Ort der Einreichung: Indien
Ort des Vorfalls: Indien
Art des Rechtsstreits: Inländisch


HIL (formerly Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Products, (part of CK Birla Group)) Indien Baumaterial- & ausrüstung, Zement, Bau, Isolierung



In 2014, a community living near the Roro hills in India brought a claim against Hyderabad Industries limited before the National Green Tribunal, a judicial body for environmental disputes. They claimed the asbestos from the mine has caused health problems within the community and demand clean up and compensation. The company claimed they followed all rules and procedures for mining operations. Currently, the tribunal has posted the matter to be heard on the merits. 

Legal proceedings

In 2014, a community living near the Roro Hills in eastern India brought a claim against Hyderabad Industries Limited (previously Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Products) before the National Green Tribunal, a judicial body for environmental disputes in India, over the environmental and health impacts of the Roro mine. It closed in 1983 but hundreds of tons of asbestos waste remains in and around the mine area.

The community claims that the asbestos from the mine caused health problems, such as lung disease, among ex-workers and those living near the mine. They demand clean-up and compensation.

According to Hyderabad Industries, “[T]he company had followed all rules and procedures for closure of a mine and had complied with the provisions of the law, as in force in 1983."

In January 2014, the National Green Tribunal admitted the claim. In November 2016, the pleading stage was closed and the tribunal posted the matter to be heard on the merits.