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20 Mai 2021

Ralph Alex Arakal,
Indian Express

India: Bengaluru study finds lack of access to healthcare facilities & information heightening worker vulnerability

"Inadequate access to healthcare facilities made workers in Bengaluru more vulnerable to Covid infection: Study", 19 May 2021

Workers in Bengaluru, migrants and locals, are at risk of Covid-19 infection due to inadequate safety measures at work places, [...] according to a study by the All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU).

...The study further noted that 93.8 per cent of the respondents were impacted by the government’s decision to pause vaccination for the age group 18 to 44.

However, the study found, vaccine hesitancy was also high among the workers surveyed in the city[...] “due to inadequate steps for awareness taken by the government”.

...Meanwhile, the migrant workers’ population in the city, who are unfamiliar with Kannada and other local languages, faced hurdles in accessing medical and health services.

...With lockdown and strict restrictions in place to curb the spread of Covid-19, self-employed workers, [...] waste-pickers, street vendors, and other unorganised workers such as construction workers, were affected more than those earning a monthly salary.

... However, 41 per cent of the respondents reported they continued to get the same monthly wages as before. These included sanitation workers, Anganwadi workers, library workers, garment workers, and healthcare workers.
