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30 Jun 2020

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Intermodal truck drivers demonstrate outside XPO yard

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Drivers delivered a petition to elected officials and the boards of XPO and Toyota, laying out demands for the pay and protections they deserve in the midst of a global pandemic... "Yet rather than treat us as the essential workers we are, XPO continues to deny us the basic rights and protections that we and our families need to survive this crisis. Instead, you have lowered our pay per load, which adds up to $2,000 less per month, and you are forcing us to give you two full hours of our time for “free” before you pay us for our time spent waiting during our workday delivering your containers. Meanwhile, we are forced to work in unsafe and unsanitary conditions. You do not provide us with any paid sick leave or other benefits so that we can stay at home if we or our family members are sick, despite federal, state, and local laws requiring that you provide us with these benefits, which are even more crucial during this pandemic...

[W]e demand the pay and protections that we deserve during this crisis, specifically: 

  • Immediately restore our pay to what it was before you reduced it in April.
  • Start paying us for every hour of waiting time.
  • Provide us with face masks, gloves, clean bathrooms with soap so that we can wash our hands at the yard, and with hand sanitizer so that we can wash our hands when we are out on the job.
  • Provide hand sanitizer in the office and sanitize the computers every time someone uses them. 
  • Immediately stop denying us our full employee rights, including health insurance, unemployment insurance, state disability insurance, and paid sick days.
