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20 Nov 2020

Jordan: Concerns over the implementation of health & safety measures in garment factories after 1,920 migrant workers contracted Covid-19

1,920 new Covid-19 infections were recently recorded among migrant workers from Bangladesh and India at a garment factory in Aqaba city in Jordan. This comprises 85% of the workers in the factory, and the number of infections is likely to increase in the coming days.

According to an article published by the NGO Impact International, a Bangladeshi worker at the factory said that workers struggle to get a sick leave and that the factory management did not take measures to ease crowding inside the factory. Another worker from India said that crowding inside the workers accommodation, poor care and negligence are the main causes of the rapid spread of the infection among workers.

In a press statement, the Chief Commissioner of Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority said that no Jordanian workers have been working in the factory since July, expect 14 bus drivers working to transport workers. All 14 drivers were tested for Covid-19 and the results were negative.

Similarly, last month, 600 migrant workers from Bangladesh were tested positive for Covid-19; all of them are employed in the same garment factory in Zarqa governorate.

Impact International raises concerns over the application of occupational health and safety measures in the factory as well as use of discrimination against migrant workers in garment factories in Jordan.

[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre tried to contact the factory regarding the raised allegations of labour abuse; we were unable to find information about the factory.]