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15 Mär 2023


Kazakhstan: Workers of Techno Trading LTD strike for higher wages and reinstatement of fired employees

Seventh day of strike by Techno Trading workers : seven people fired, strikers demand reinstatement, 15 March 2023

[Summary translation prepared by Business and Human Rights Centre]

More than hundred workers of the oilfield servicing company Techno Trading LTD continue striking in the Karakiyansky district of the Mangistau region, demanding higher wages. Starting from the afternoon of March 9, the strikers have been near the buildings of the enterprise at the Zhetybay field...

Yesterday, the workers recorded a new video message to the local authorities and the management of Techno Trading LTD, in which they demanded the reinstatement of the seven employees fired on March 14 and the annulment of the order to terminate employment contracts...

At the beginning of the week, on March 13, a court in the village of Kuryk declared the strike of workers illegal, thereby satisfying the civil lawsuit of Techno Trading LTD...

Workers at the Techno Trading LTD in Zhetybay went on strike after they received reduced salaries on March 7. The reason, according to them, was the order of the director of the company to impose a disciplinary sanction. The workers do not agree with the decision and say that in February they only made proposals on the terms of remuneration. They deny that they protested during working hours at that time...