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Angriff auf HRD

27 Sep 2019

Milgen Idan Soto Ávila

Datum des Vorfalls
27 Sep 2019
Alle/s korrekt
Indigene Bevölkerungsgruppen
Zielsetzung: Einzelperson
Ort des Vorfalls: Honduras
INMARE Honduras Holzwirtschaft


Milgen Idan Soto Ávila was an indigenous Tolupán land and territory defender who fought to protect the forests in the department of Yoro from the threats of private logging company, INMARE. He was a constant presence in the Dignified Camp in Defense of Ancestral Territory, established by community members working with the Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia (or MADJ). He had been reported missing on Monday 23rd September by neighbours and his body was retrieved from a clandestine grave on 27th September by authorities. The MADJ blames the company INMARE, responsible for cutting down of 28,500 trees in the area, for the killing of the indigenous activist. Milgen was the third person murdered in the same small community this year alone, and the ninth murdered in the conflict over logging since 2013.