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27 Jun 2019

New website launched to identify companies covered by French duty of vigilance law

Adopted in 2017, the French duty of vigilance law requires large French companies to identify and prevent human rights risks linked to their activities. In the absence of a government registry, CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Sherpa, with the support of Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, have launched the website vigilance-plan.org to identify companies subject to the law and make accessible those vigilance plans that have been published. 

CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Sherpa are also calling on French public authorities to:

  • Publish the list of companies subject to the duty of vigilance
  • Make all vigilance plans accessible on a public database
  • Strengthen transparency requirements to make financial and non-financial data on companies more accessible
  • Lower and simplify application thresholds.

More information is available in French here and in English below.