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13 Mär 2021


NZ businesses show leadership with support for a Modern Slavery Act

16 March 2021

85 New Zealand companies have signed a joint letter urging the government to instigate an inquiry into whether New Zealand needs a Modern Slavery Act. ...


Unlike many other countries, New Zealand has no accountability legislation that addresses transparency in supply chains. This means that New Zealand companies could unknowingly be importing products or services by which people are exploited and enslaved.


The Warehouse Group has had an ethical sourcing programme in place for the past seventeen years and actively monitors, reports on, and drives continuous improvements in its supply factories. Chief Product Officer, Tania Benyon, says supply chains are complex and it is important that New Zealand keeps pace with the rest of the world in ensuring greater transparency and action.


"We are part of a very interconnected global economy and social ecosystem," says Kathmandu CEO Reuben Casey. "It is therefore not a matter of whether New Zealanders are unknowingly supporting forms of Modern Slavery through their purchasing practices, but rather where this is happening and to what extent. Effectively addressing the risks of Modern Slavery will stand and fall on our ability to let go of our corporate egos and be transparent about our businesses, our supply chains and our shared humanity, all of which are very imperfect."


"Our coffee passes through many hands before it reaches us so transparency between us and the producers in coffee-growing countries worldwide is important to us," says Head of L’affare Paul Cockburn. "The values of the L’affare brand (and the people behind L’affare) align with those of many NZ coffee businesses, in support of values-based business and in support of the meaningful measures this open letter speaks to."

