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15 Nov 2018

Ian H. Lundin (Chairman of the Board) & Alex Schneiter (President & CEO), Lundin Petroleum

Open Letter from Ian H. Lundin and Alex Schneiter

The last nine years of this preliminary investigation have completely reinforced our already strong conviction that we are innocent, and our absolute certainty that neither we, nor any representative of Lundin, did anything wrong during our time in Sudan...

However,...it is increasingly clear to us, and our defence counsel, that the Prosecution Authority is determined to proceed to prosecution...

The preliminary investigation was initiated in 2010...[on the basis of reports produced by NGOs making]...false and baseless allegations against the Company [and] its subsidiary...in Sudan between the period 1997 to 2003...

[Despite the fact that] these reports contain many inaccuracies...with multiple layers of hearsay,... the Prosecution...is relying heavily on report from these NGOs...

All of this will be exposed during the legal process...[as this is] based on a biased and wrongful perception of criminal liability for conducting legitimate business activities and, as far as we are aware, this has never been previously tried in any national or international court...

Far from being indifferent to the conflict, which erupted in the region during the period, the Company did everything in its power to promote peace through peaceful means... 

[Moreover, at the time,] Sweden had a policy of constructive engagement with Sudan...and encouraged companies to invest [and]...refused to visit our area when we asked them to...


Part of the following timelines

Sweden authorises indictment of Lundin Oil executives over alleged complicity in war crimes in So. Sudan; co. denies allegations

Lundin Energy lawsuit (re complicity in war crimes, Sudan)