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24 Okt 2016

Franciscans International

Oral Statement by Franciscans International at Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights

Franciscans International wishes to bring the perspective of people who work and live with and in communities directly affected by the impact of extractive industries...Social impacts include division of communities; marginalization of poor communities in the decision-making for large-scale extractive projects, escalation of conflicts and violence in impacted areas, criminalization of human rights and environmental defenders, loss of livelihoods and disruption of access to services, as well as the widespread disrespect for the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples...[I]t must be stressed that the loss of livelihood is rarely compensated by the economic activity that is generated by the mining industry...Environmental impacts of large extractive projects...include the destruction of primary forests...the contamination of rivers...air pollution...and the disastrous accidents of mining projects and other large-scale projects that could often be avoided but are raely adequately redressed.  In conclusion, inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, we believe that the adoption of a legally-binding treaty will contribute to the protection of the dignity of all and of our common home.