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13 Sep 2015

MiningWatch Canada

Papua New Guinea: Letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights re: Barrick Gold’s Grievance Mechanism at Porgera Mine

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On April 20, 2015, MiningWatch Canada was contacted by a consulting company Enodo Rights (Enodo), informing MiningWatch that Enodo had been contracted by Barrick and the Porgera Joint Venture to conduct “an authoritative, independent and public assessment” and “final report” on the Porgera remedy program.  ... The proposed review of Barrick's remedy mechanism is not inclusive. ... not independent .... [and] not transparent. ... In spite of these concerns, MiningWatch remains open to participating in a transparent process, with key local and international stakeholders and the claimants to arrive at a truly independent, transparent, and credible review process that will be accepted by all parties. It should be possible to achieve this goal as set out by the OHCHR in 2013.
