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1 Okt 2009

Intl. Finance Corporation (IFC) & Global Reporting Initiative

[PDF] Embedding Gender in Sustainability Reporting: A Practitioner’s Guide

This educational resource has been produced...to help organizations using the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework embed material gender issues in sustainability reports... This report highlights some of the existing and emerging business drivers for improving practices and reporting on material gender issues. These are further to the legal and ethical imperatives for reporting on gender issues (as, for example, set out in international human rights legal and policy frameworks), which are also discussed. In turn it offers practical steps on how to integrate gender in sustainability reporting. [includes examples of practices by Wipro, Woolworths Holdings, Yuhan Kimberly (joint venture Yuhan & Kimberly-Clark), Banco Bradesco, Vattenfall, Nike, Women in Technology, Grasim (part of Aditya Birla Group), ITC, Dove (part of Unilever), Auður Capital]