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1 Jan 2007

EU Committee on Employment and Social Affairs - Rapporteur: Richard Howitt

[PDF] Report on corporate social responsibility: a new partnership - Motion for a European Parliament Resolution

Motion for a European Parliament Resolution:...The European Parliament...Calls for the CSR debate at the European level to be 'depolarised' by neither supporting exclusively voluntary nor mandatory approaches...Believes that the credibility of voluntary CSR initiatives is further dependent on a commitment to incorporating existing internationally agreed standards and principles...Supports calls for mandatory disclosure for corporate and other lobbyists...Recommends that the Commission extends the responsibility of directors of companies with more than 1000 employees to encompass the duty for the directors themselves to minimise any harmful social and environmental impact of companies' activities...

Part of the following timelines

European Parliament votes to back mandatory reporting on companies' social and environmental impacts

FIDH welcomes new EU report on corporate responsibility, encourages European Parliament to adopt it - says it puts debate "back on track"