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17 Nov 2022

France 24

Qatar 2022: Workers from Asia indebted for recruitment fees, do not receive wages or adequate nutrition

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The Road Provides, Shutterstock (purchased)

"Dreams of wealth turn to dust for Qatar migrant workers", 16 Nov 2022

The Gulf state has faced harsh criticism over deaths, injuries, and unpaid wages of foreign labourers...

Ahead of the world's biggest single-sport tournament, AFP spoke to migrant workers in India, Bangladesh, and the Philippines, as well as their families, about their experiences...

Bangladeshi Aupon Mir is one of thousands of workers who migrated to Qatar to work on construction sites...

"But the sad part is, even being a part of this gigantic beautiful construction, we did not get paid. My foreman took away our time sheets and withdrew all our money and fled."...

He worked for an Indian construction company in seven of the World Cup stadiums, but because he did not have a valid work permit, he was arrested in 2020 and deported...