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7 Nov 2016

Institute for Human Rights and Business

Report: Businesses that collect consumer data must conduct human rights due diligence to close regulation gap

"Data Brokers and Human Rights - Big Data, Big Business," 7 Nov 2016

…Businesses have collected and analysed consumer data to reduce costs and increase profits for years…[B]ig data analytics has enabled the creation of a whole new industry – that of the data broker – to collect and aggregate vast quantities of personal data…The rise of the data broker business model has made the scale and sophistication of big data analytics so great, and the resulting network so complex, that it is virtually impossible for any consumer to identify how a data broker obtained his or her data…At the same time, the current data privacy framework focuses on user consent at the point of collection, rather than data use. This has created a gap in which the data broker business…is not regulated…Companies whose business model relies on…the insights extracted from personal data…must conduct due human rights diligence as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles…Beyond this, the need for change in the big data broker model is apparent, most starkly due to a lack of transparency and accountability…