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5 Sep 2016

David Elliott & Lindsey Fielder Cook, Quaker United Nations Office

Rights-based approach to climate policy is required for successful mitigation, says Quaker UN Office report

"Climate justice and the use of human rights law in reducing greenhouse gas emissions," Aug 2016

This report looks at how human rights obligations can help support policies which lead to more successful and just efforts to decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to human activities. The report examines the relationship between human rights and climate change as conceptualized at the United Nations, and explores how human rights can be used to secure greater emissions reductions while also achieving climate justice…

Human rights…highlight what is at stake for our civilization under rising temperatures. Integrating a rights-based approach in climate policy remains the most direct and fair channel for strengthening public support and promoting successful and fair mitigation efforts to limit temperature rises. Legal action…is a more indirect channel and should be used carefully and complemented by decisive commitments from political leaders, responsibility and vision from business and industry, and concerted action by civil society. These elements can provide legal protections for securing climate justice, for the most vulnerable communities now and all future generations...