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Angriff auf HRD

8 Jan 2019

Sumon Mia Anlima Textile protesting worker

Datum des Vorfalls
8 Jan 2019
Zielsetzung: Einzelperson
Ort des Vorfalls: Bangladesch
Andere Akteure


In September 2018, the Bangladesh government moved to raise the monthly minimum wage for garment workers - for the first time in five years - to Tk 8,000 (USD 96), up from the previous Tk 5,300 (USD 63). Many garment workers are dissatisfied with the increase, as workers rights organisations and trade unions had been calling for at least Tk 16,000. In January 2019, thousands of garment workers staged protests for increased minimum wages, particularly for those on mid-range wage grades who had effectively received no increase under the changes. Some protests were met with force by the authorities. After one violent clash, where police used rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds, one person, Sumon Mia, 22, a worker of Anlima Textile, was killed and at least 50 others, including a journalist of Somoy Television, were injured. Anlima Textile declared a general holiday for Wednesday following the death of its worker.