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12 Okt 2022

UN Human Rights Council

UN Human Rights Council issues new resolution on the safety of journalists, urges end of attacks and SLAPPs by companies

"HRC - The safety of journalists", 7 October 2022

Recognizing ... the importance of investigative journalism and that the ability of the media to investigate and to publish the results of their investigations, including on the Internet, without fear of reprisals, plays an important role in societies, including in contributing to holding public institutions and officials accountable or detecting cases of corruption, and in revealing human rights abuses by business enterprises...

Expressing serious concern at the rise of strategic lawsuits against public participation, including by business entities, to exercise pressure, intimidate or exhaust the resources and morale of journalists, and thereby stop them from critical and/or investigative reporting on matters of public interest...

[The UN Human Rights Council]

  • Condemns unequivocally all attacks, reprisals and violence against journalists and media workers, such as killings, torture, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and arbitrary detention, expulsions, intimidation, threats and harassment, online and offline, including through attacks on or the forced closure of their offices and media outlets, in both conflict and non-conflict situations...
  • Urges the immediate and unconditional release of journalists and media workers who have been arbitrarily arrested or arbitrarily detained, taken hostage or who have become victims of enforced disappearance;
  • Underlines the importance of providing for an enabling environment for the work of civil society organizations, as they play a vital role in enhancing the safety and security of journalists and media workers...

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