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1 Dez 2016

Clare Speak, Equal Times

Will merger deal allow Dow to evade their toxic liablities in Bhopal?

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As vigils, protests and torchlight rallies mark the passing of another year since the Bhopal gas tragedy, the area remains contaminated and a third generation now suffers health problems caused by the disaster. Thirty-two years later, survivors in the Indian city of Bhopal in the central state of Madhya Pradesh are still waiting for justice. But a planned corporate merger deal looks set to help the companies involved avoid their toxic liabilities altogether...A planned merger deal between corporate giants Dow and Dupont is set to add a “complicated new layer” to the corporate structure of UCC, making it harder still for victims to get justice...According to the Bhopal Medical Appeal, the merger would potentially allow both companies to avoid their legal obligations to the Bhopal victims, as well as to thousands of other people around the world who have been poisoned by toxic chemical manufacturing processes.
