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  • Construcción, Aparatos eléctricos, Equipos / suministros médicos, Tecnología, telecomunicación y electrónicos
  • Japón

  • Hitachi Ltd. (Hitachi) is a multinational company headquartered in Japan. Hitachi manufactures communications and electronic equipment, heavy electrical and industrial machinery, and consumer electronics.

Del Centro de Información ? Esta sección es una instantánea no exhaustiva del comportamiento de la empresa según el registro del Centro de Información. Buscamos respuestas a acusaciones de abusos, demandas de perfil, y registro ataques contra defensores que trabajan en cuestiones comerciales.


Ataques a personas defensoras de los derechos humanos


Perfiles de demanda




Global Network Initiative ? Membership in the Global Network Initiative, an alliance that helps companies respect freedom of expression and privacy rights when faced with government pressure to hand over user data, remove content, or restrict communications.
Indicator last reviewed 02-01-2024

UN Global Compact ? Membership in the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals.
Indicator last reviewed 02-01-2024

Transparency Report ? Reports detailing how the company processes third-party requests and enforces internal rules regarding people’s data and mitigates risks to their rights. Latest available report linked.

Indicator last reviewed 09-03-2023

Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights
Indicator last reviewed 09-03-2023

Business Code of Conduct ? A company code of conduct (or code of ethics) is a company document in which it sets out a set of principles that it commits itself to follow, or requires its employees and/or subcontractors to follow.
Indicator last reviewed 02-01-2024

Legislaciones sobre la esclavitud moderna acciones ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

Rastreador de Legislaciones sobre la esclavitud moderna

Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: http://www.hitachi.co.uk/downloads/Modern_Slavery_Act_Transparency_Statement.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 19 de agosto de 2016 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachicapital.co.uk/media/1395/modern-slavery-act-anti-slavery-human-trafficking-statement-signed-by-rg-aug-16.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 19 de agosto de 2016 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachicm.co.uk/t/slaveryandhumantrafficking

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 19 de agosto de 2016 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: http://www.hitachi.eu/en-gb/modern-slavery-act

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 21 de octubre de 2016 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachiconsulting.com/legal/modern-slavery-act.html

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 29 de septiembre de 2016 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachicapital.co.uk/media/1526/hcuk-anti-slavery-statement-2017.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 10 de febrero de 2018 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachi.eu/sites/default/files/fields/basic-page/documents/fy2016_uk_modern_slavery_act_statement_final_with_signature.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 19 de junio de 2018 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachi.eu/sites/default/files/fields/basic-page/documents/hitachi_europe_modern_slavery_act_transparency_statement_fy2016-17.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 20 de junio de 2018 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachi.eu/en-gb/modern-slavery-act

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 4 de marzo de 2019 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachicapital.co.uk/media/1695/hitachi-capital-anti-slavery-statement-2018.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 13 de septiembre de 2019 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachicapital.co.uk/media/2809/hitachi-capital-anti-slavery-statement-2019.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 13 de septiembre de 2019 a las 00:00
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Hitachi Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fuente: https://www.hitachi.eu/sites/default/files/fields/basic-page/documents/modern_slavery_act_2015_statement_2018-2019.pdf

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Instantánea buscada: 15 de octubre de 2019 a las 00:00
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Historias con solicitudes de respuesta asociadas ? Buscamos respuestas de Hitachi a las alegaciones planteadas en estas historias. Descubra más sobre nuestro Mecanismo de respuesta de las empresas.

Clasificaciones de referencia

CHRB 2020
? The 2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses the human rights disclosures of 230 global companies across five sectors identified as presenting a high risk of negative human rights impacts.
8,5 / 26
CHRB 2022
16,8 / 100
KnowTheChain ICT 2020
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.
27 / 100

Principales países asociados

Hitachi has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

Menciones de la empresa (artículos, informes, noticias, etc.)

Sede de la empresa

Menciones de la empresa (artículos, informes, noticias, etc.) en regiones en conflicto

Sede de la empresa en regiones en conflicto