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4 Mar 2021

Noor Zahra, GDN Online (Bahrain)

Bahrain: Death of construction worker caused by health & safety failings, court rules

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"Supervisor spared jail over labourer's death," 24 Feb 2021

A construction site supervisor has been spared jail, but received a suspended sentence, in connection with the death of a labourer.

The 35-year-old Indian worker was spraying water on a wall under construction when he was electrocuted on August 21, 2019.

A committee set up to probe the incident found that the death was caused due to lack of safety measures at the work site.

The Lower Criminal Court ruled that the Bahraini supervisor had not taken adequate safety and precautionary measures to protect the workers at the site.

He was also found guilty of not ensuring that the person employed to fix machines and electrical items was licensed to do so.

In addition, he failed to apply any waterproofing on electrical items.