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1 Jun 2022

Monira Munni, The Financial Express

Bangladesh: Garment industry employers permitted to extend workers’ overtime by 2 hours as orders increase; must pay double wage

"Govt allows two more hours of overtime for RMG workers", 1 June 2022

The government has allowed two more hours of overtime for the country's export-oriented ready-made garment (RMG)-sector workers for six months amid huge work orders.


According to the current labour law, a worker in a garment factory works eight hours a day and 48 hours a week. Factories are permitted to ask workers to do overtime two hours daily on the condition of giving double wage for the overtime period.


Now, an export-oriented garment factory can ask its workers to do overtime for a total of four hours a day...


[The order] stipulates that the workers must be paid double wage than regular work hours for their overtime, and no worker would be forced to do overtime for more than four hours a day...

Weekly holiday must be given and no overtime would be imposed, if any worker is not willing to do it, the circular has added.

The eight-point condition also included ensuring the Covid-19 health and safety guideline - issued by the government authorities concerned.