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Ataque a defensor de derechos humanos

2 Abr 2021

Nguyễn Hoài Nam

Fecha del incidente
2 Abr 2021
Exactitud de fecha
Todo correcto
Nguyễn Hoài Nam
Prensa, medios
Demandas y acciones regulatorias
Objetivo: Individual
Lugar del incidente: Vietnam
Otros actores


On April 2, 2021, journalist Nguyen Hoai Nam was arrested and charged with “abusing democratic freedom” by the authorities as he posted a series of articles on his Facebook account regarding wrongdoings and corruptions in Ho Chi Min, Viet Nam. In February, the journalist who gained his reputation as a corruption fighter, was summoned by HCM City Police Department for interrogation as two state officials denounced that his corruption allegation is not correct. Before being detained, Nam posted a series of articles on his Facebook account regarding wrongdoings and corruptions in the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration (VIWA) of the Ministry of Transport. On March 23, 2021, he sent an open letter alleging the cooperation between the police forces and procuracy officials which led to crime covering the corruption case in the VIWA.