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26 Abr 2018

Global Child Forum

AstraZeneca & Standard Chartered show best practices by leveraging their core competencies to invest in children, NGO says

"Corporate Programs For Children's Rights – Guidance And Best Practice", March 2018

What do pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and leading banking group Standard Chartered have in common? By leveraging their core competencies, both are investing in children.

AstraZeneca focuses its global community investment on the pressing challenge of preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the AstraZeneca Young Health Programme. They do this by targeting adolescents health and major risk behaviours such as tobacco and alcohol use and unhealthy eating through the AstraZeneca Youth Health Programme. A unique feature of the programme is that combines measures for behavioural change with research and advocacy.

Standard Chartered is taking action to make positive social and economic contributions by supporting girls to take on leadership roles in their communities through the Goal program, a curriculum that focuses on sports and life skills education.

Logistics company Deutsche Post DHL Group involves employees and local offices in the GoTeach program, which focuses on increasing educational opportunity and employability among socially disadvantaged youth. GoTeach is carried out in partnership with two established organisations: Teach For All and SOS Children's Villages. The latter partnership is highlighted here and involves mentorship programs, internships and workshops.

As part of our research on corporate children's rights programs, we have developed a guide for companies: "Corporate Children's Rights Programs – Guidance and Best Practice".