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26 Jul 2019

Feronia (Canada)

Death of Mr Joel Imbangola Lunea

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The Company is deeply saddened to learn that one of its employees is being sought by the police in relation to the death of Mr Joël Imbangola Lunea on Sunday 21 July 2019. Police are treating Mr Lunea’s death as murder.

There are different versions of events being reported and we are attempting to gather the facts of what happened. A number of witnesses have informed the Company that the disagreement which lead to the tragic incident was of a personal nature but, with the incident occurring approximately 18 km from Feronia’s plantation, near the employee's home village, whilst he was on four weeks annual leave, establishing facts is proving difficult.

The incident is being investigated by the police, who are also working to apprehend the suspect, and the Company is fully supportive of the police investigation.

Everyone at Feronia is shocked and appalled by these events and we extend our heartfelt and sincere condolences to Mr Lunea’s family at this very sad and difficult time.

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