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1 Abr 2012

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

[DOC] Analysis of the Petroleum (Exploration,Development and Production) Bill, 2012 and the Petroleum (Refining, Gas Processing and Conversion, Transportation and Storage) Bill, 2012 [Uganda]

[The OHCHR has analysed the two oil bills in Uganda and highlighted key human rights concerns including] lack of provisions for compliance by licensees to respect human rights and insufficient requirements for permit holders and licensees to assess, prevent and remedy any environmental or social damage done to communities...insufficient protections for basic human rights principles of transparency, participation and inclusion, accountability and non-discrimination...[failure to] mention...consultation requirements...[or] free, prior and informed consent of affected individuals/communities...weak provisions for transparency and access to information...[and lack of] requirements to ensure that actions by security officers around oil installations do not lead to human rights abuses or violations.