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3 Abr 2018

New publication in Polish and English: "Introducing Business and Human Rights to the general public in Poland"

In February 2018, the Polish newspapers Rzeczpospolita[1] and Parkiet[2] published a 32-page supplement on Business and Human Rights (BHR) under the title:  "Business and Human Rights. Responsibility, benefits, ethics". The publication is also available also online as a PDF. The publication, developed in close cooperation with the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business aims to raise awareness of business and human rights and provide an accessible introduction to this topic for the broader public.

Several of the articles have now been made available in English, along with a new article introducing the publication. These are avaible below.

[1] Rzeczpospolita is a nationwide economic and legal newspaper and the only conservative-liberal newspaper in Poland. It is the source of information for opinion leaders, managers, professionals, and key business decision-makers. For years, it has been considered the most opinion-making medium in Poland.

[2] Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów "Parkiet" (A newspaper of stock exchange and investors "Parkiet") is a nationwide specialist journal that aims at the stock exchange and the entire capital market. It is addressed to a broad spectrum of people interested in investments, economy and financial markets, as well as in the operation of companies and markets and the products and services they offer.

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