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2 Sep 2015

Geneviève Paul, FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights)

The treaty process can serve as a catalyst for effective reforms at domestic levels

The treaty process must be used strategically - at all levels - to trigger change and improve the lives of those affected by corporate abuse…the absence of key States [at the first session of the Intergovernmental Working Group] is regrettable and must be addressed for this process to be successful.  All States must bring their differing views and arguments to the table if they are serious about upholding their human rights commitments.  This is particularly important when the same States are…hastily concluding trade and investment agreements largely protecting investors…During the session, the majority of participating delegations renewed their commitment to implement the UN Guiding Principles…  All States...should adopt robust National Action Plans...including legal and policy measures that can bring about the needed long-term reforms…There's a growing acknowledgement…of the need to…adopt measures to ensure victims can access justice and obtain remedy…[T]he treaty process can provide a platform for a much-needed multilateral approach to prevent and remedy corporate-related abuses and to create the space for the so-called “international level playing field” States and companies demand…