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Kenya: Kakuzi says its operational-level grievance mechanism will ensure impartial resolution of concerns by workers & local communities

"Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee"

To enhance governance structures within Kakuzi Plc, the Board is establishing an Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee (IHRAC). The IHRAC will comprise experienced and distinguished individuals drawn from the human rights sector locally and internationally, and representatives of our stakeholders.

The Board is also upgrading Kakuzi’s current alternative dispute resolution process by setting up a full Operational-level Grievance Mechanism (OGM), as defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This will enable members of the community to have their grievances heard and resolved quickly, impartially and in accordance with internationally recognized best practices.  It will also ensure that appropriate action is taken to deal with anyone who fails to live up to the standards Kakuzi Plc expects of its employees.  

Nick Ng'ang'a, Chairman of Kakuzi Plc, said:

“Kakuzi sells its produce both locally and across the world.  We must always ensure our corporate policies and human rights processes evolve to accommodate feedback and input from our employees, communities and other stakeholders, wherever they are based. The Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee and the Operational-level Grievance Mechanism are significant enhancements to Kakuzi’s governance processes.  They underscore our determination to take a ‘belt and braces’ approach to human rights.”