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Press Release: Business should act as a catalyst for social change, says Aviva

The company's online 2012 corporate responsibility report…focuses on trust and transparency, attracting and retaining talent, environment and climate change, and community development…Through its Street to School programme Aviva...originally aimed to help 500,000 young people away from the street and into education by 2015, but has already exceeded this goal...Aviva recently commissioned pioneering participatory research to gain feedback from the beneficiaries…to evaluate the true impact of the programme and identify areas of improvement...Marie Sigsworth [Aviva’s Corporate Responsibility Director] explains: “…we believe that business has a catalyst role to play in tackling social issues…No one organisation can do this alone. It’s about sharing our expertise and learnings with others. ”…An example of Aviva's role as a catalyst for change is its on-going work with the UN...