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Javed Anwer, India Today

Report says Airtel spying on millions of Indian web users, company rubbishes claim

The report published on Medium, says that Airtel, which is one of the biggest internet service providers in India, is snooping on traffic that is routed through CloudFlare, putting at risk the privacy of millions of web users, including those who don't even use Airtel services....Airtel is sniffing and intercepting ALL unencrypted traffic going upstream from CloudFlare's India data centres, irrespective of what ISP the user is on. This potentially affects everyone in India accessing ANY of the 2 million+ sites on CloudFlare," Karthik Balakrishnan, who is also part of India's SaveTheInternet group, wrote on Medium...Airtel has told India Today.In that the report is completely baseless. "This is completely baseless and incorrect. As a policy, Airtel does not block or sniff any content. Only in the case of instructions or orders from the government or the courts, specified URLs are blocked. Blocking of any page (as per instructions from relevant authorities) is done at the URL level and not whether it is http or https. This also has nothing to do with the validity of any certificate," said a company spokesperson.