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25 Mar 2020

Khmer Times

Cambodia: Garment owners association calls for buyers, factories, unions and workers to collectively mitigate impacts of the Covid-19

"GMAC appeals to stakeholders to join hands to tackle manufacturing woes caused by Coronavirus", 25 March 2020

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) has called for collaboration from all stakeholders in facing the critical situation caused by Covid-19 pandemic.

“The current global pandemic Covid-19 has brought chaos to all our lives and businesses. To overcome this critical situation, GMAC would like to appeal to all stakeholders to join hands so that we can all survive together”

To all Buyers: PLEASE DON’T GIVE UP ON CAMBODIA! We urge you to fulfill your existing contractual obligations by taking delivery of goods already produced and goods currently in production and pay under the normal term. This will allow us to be able to pay our workers and continue the work for them.

To all factories: WORKERS SAFETY FIRST! Please continue to stay vigilant and maintain high levels of hygiene as a preventive measure at the workplace to protect our workers and help prevent the spread of the virus. Please ensure that our workers understand and strictly follow guidelines and regulations issued by our Cambodian government.

To all Workers and Unions: Have confidence in the scientific preventive measures being implemented at the workplace. Be part of the solution by following instructions, specifically on keeping social distance and minimising social gatherings. Wash hands often and do not touch your faces!...
