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12 Jun 2019

Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, BHRRC

Europe takes a big step towards companies having a ‘duty of care’ on human rights

Last week, just prior to taking over the European Union presidency, the new Finnish government announced plans to make it compulsory for companies to conduct human rights checks. A year ago, this would have seemed out of the ordinary. But growing recognition of the human cost of weak regulations on business, coupled with an erosion of public trust in markets, has led to momentum around initiatives to ensure companies halt abuse in their supply chains.

Read the rest at EU Reporter.

Rumo à devida diligência obrigatória de direitos humanos


CSDDD – A timid step forward in the fight against corporate human rights abuse

Jeffrey Vogt, Solidarity Center, Ruwan Subasinghe, International Transport Workers’ Federation & Paapa Danquah, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) 21 Mai 2024


Sweden's CSDDD U-turn crucial step forward

Mathieu Vervynckt, Swedwatch 13 Mai 2024

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