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27 Jan 2023

Yuth Vireak, The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia: Malaysian police and Sihanoukville authorities hold talks over human trafficking cases in a hotspot sea province

"Malaysian police liaise with Preah Sihanouk police over trafficking cases", 27 January 2023

Malaysian police are seeking cooperation from the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration to prevent human trafficking involving their countrymen in the coastal province.

At a … meeting with senior officials from the provincial administration, Malaysian Police Commissioner Abdul Jalil Hassan said that human trafficking was a concern affecting the world, and Malaysia has been working strenuously to combat this kind of crime.

Citing several victims, he said they had requested intervention abroad, including in Cambodia.

“This is an honour to meet with you in order to look for ways to locate and rescue these victims. We look forward to successful arrests of the perpetrators of these terrible crimes and are pleased to have this opportunity to exchange information and experience,” he added.

He hoped that through these talks, the governments of Malaysia and Cambodia would strengthen their cooperative efforts to eliminate human trafficking.

… Provincial deputy governor Mang Sinet said that as of January 23, 468 Malaysians are living in the province, 95 of them women. They are employed in casinos, hotels, guesthouses, factories, educational institutions and several other businesses.

He added that the province received 23 complaints related to possible trafficking activities through the official Facebook page of Minister of Interior Sar Kheng and Hotline 117 of the National Police, as well as through direct complaints to the provincial administration, …

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