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3 Out 2014


Amnesty Intl.: Chinese firms exporting "tools of torture" fuelling abuses in Africa & Asia

"Chinese firms exporting tools of torture, says Amnesty", 23 Sep 2014

A growing number of Chinese companies are exporting "tools of torture" such as electric shock batons and spiked metal batons, Amnesty International says in a report. More than 130 firms were involved in the trade, which the rights group said was fuelling abuses in Africa and Asia. Some items exported were "intrinsically cruel" and should be banned, it said. Other items were being exported to nations with the risk that they would be used to commit violations. "While some of the exports are no doubt used in legitimate law enforcement operations, China has also exported equipment that has inhumane effects, or poses a substantial risk of fuelling human rights violations by foreign law enforcement agencies," the report said..."The international trade in equipment intended for law enforcement is relatively unregulated by most states, especially in comparison to controls on transfers of most types of conventional military weapons and munitions," it said.