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12 Mai 2020

Miranda Sissons & Alex Warofka, Facebook

An update on Facebook's human rights work in Asia and around the world

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[W]e’re releasing the findings of three independent human rights impact assessments we commissioned in 2018 to evaluate the role of our services in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Cambodia, along with details on how we’ve responded to the recommendations in each assessment. The assessments build on the work we’ve done over the last two years, beginning with creation of a human rights team to inform our policies, products, programs and partnerships around the world... We have committed to expanding end-to-end encryption... we updated the values that underpin our Community Standards to specifically reference human rights principles... We increased staffing significantly, hiring policy leads and program managers in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Cambodia, and expanding the number of content reviewers who speak Sinhala, Tamil, Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese and Khmer.

... The assessments we’re releasing today underscore the role our services play in providing voice to people, promoting civic and political engagement, and shining a light on human rights issues and abuse, especially in places where activists, human rights defenders and vulnerable communities don’t otherwise have a platform... They also highlight the threats to people’s rights and encourage us to respond more resolutely. We accept this responsibility, and acknowledge the human rights impacts outlined in these reports.

Part of the following timelines

Facebook releases findings of independent human rights impact assessments of the role of its services in Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Cambodia

Myanmar: Meta must make reparations for alleged role in Rohingya ethnic cleansing, Amnesty International says