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3 Mai 2021


Bahrain: Women migrant workers reportedly face discriminatory profiling & false prostitution charges

"Bahrain’s anti-sex work policies lead to abuse, arbitrary arrest, and deportation of migrant women who aren’t engaged in prostitution" 03 May 2021

..... The night before her day-off, Jay, a Kenyan waitress who works full-time in a hotel in Bahrain, visited her friend at her house in Qudaibiya for a birthday celebration. As it got late, she decided to sleep over instead of walking back home. The next morning, her friend left home early for her work shift and as Jay was waking up she heard a loud bang on the door – the whole building was raided by the police. ...... Jay told MR that she was forced to confess that she was a sex worker, “I couldn’t understand most of what they were saying, they were shouting at me and forcing me to sign a paper in Arabic which I couldn’t understand…they didn’t even provide any translation.” 

..... The racial profiling of migrant women and false prostitution charges are not arbitrary decisions of individual officials. There are systemic issues that demand an urgent and critical review: the profiling of certain groups, lack of police accountability, lack of due process in investigations, and several barriers to justice, including language and legal representation.