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12 Set 2020

Khuon Narim, CamboJA

Cambodia: Govt. decide to set minimum wage at $192 for 2021 for garment and footwear industry's workers

"Garment industry minimum wage raised by $2 for 2021", 11 September 2020

The government decided to increase the minimum wage for garment and footwear industry workers by $2 to $192 per month for 2021, a decision that has left unions and employers dissatisfied after the two parties failed to come to an agreement in talks ...

The National Council on Minimum Wage (NCMW) approved a $190 minimum wage for 2021, marking no increase over 2020, following sensitive negotiations in which unions requested a raise of nearly $12, and employers asked for a cut of $17. The government then decided to add a $2 raise, which will take effect on January 1…

Labor Minister Ith Samheng told reporters that the tripartite negotiations had resulted in a unanimous agreement on $190 as the monthly minimum wage for 2021, taking into consideration the economic strain the global Covid-19 pandemic has placed on the industry, with production materials in short supply and orders dropping significantly.

… Currently, about 100 to 150 factories are suspended, Samheng said, leaving 40,000 to 50,000 workers out of work each day.

… The minimum wage affects about 800,000 workers from more than 1,000 factories in the textile, garment, and footwear industries…

Nang Sothy, vice president of the Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, who attended the meeting, said that reaching a consensus on the wage had been a challenge…

Ath Thorn, president of the Cambodian Labour Confederation, said he was disappointed by the $2 increase…

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