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15 Jun 2022

Cambodia: Union calls on Walmart to intervene after five union leaders dismissed from footwear factory following union election; Walmart did not respond

On February 2022, 27 workers at Qi Ming Xin Factory in Cambodia participated in an election to form and vote for leaders of the Independent Trade Union of Qi Ming Xin Factory. On 15 February, the factory management announced they were dismissing five of the union leaders.

On 16 March 2022, the Head of the Department of Labour Disputes ordered the factory to reinstate all five workers, and to back-pay their wages and benefits from the date of their dismissal. The factory refused to reinstate the workers, so on 20 April 2022, the Independent Trade Union Federation (ITUFE), filed a complaint with Walmart. According to the union, Walmart failed to outline measures it would take to ensure the workers were reinstated.

On 1 June 2022, ITUFE published a statement calling on the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to take immediate measures to demand Qi Ming Xin Factory reinstated the workers and paid their owed wages and benefits. The union also called on Walmart to take measures to ensure that Qi Ming Xin Factory, and other factories in Cambodia supplying the company, respect Cambodian laws, and workers' rights and freedoms.

In June 2022, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Walmart to respond. It did not.