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9 Ago 2017

Dina Meza (translated for Rights Action by Lori Berenson)

Canadian Businessman Patrick Forseth (of the Carivida Villas company) Files Criminal Charges Against Miriam Miranda (OFRANEH) and other Indigenous Garifuna Leaders

Once again, the Honduran criminal law system is being used against community defenders, with complaints of defamation and slander lodged against the Indigenous Garifuna community defenders Miriam Miranda (coordinator of the Fraternal Garifuna, Black Organization of Honduras, OFRANEH), and Madeline Martina David, Neny Heidy Ávila and Lety Hernández from the Guadalupe Community in Trujillo, Colón, Honduras…Criminal complaint have been filed against each of them by the Canadian businessman Patrick Daniel Forseth…Forseth’s complains that “for a long time, they [the Indigenous Garifuna people who have lived in this region since the late 1700s] have been publishing in different media outlets, websites, social media etc. actions and situations that are completely false…they mentioned that I stole the lands from members of the Garifuna community in Guadalupe, using trickery, forceful action and death threats. These false accusations have damaged and denigrated both my image and reputation and that of the company that I represent, Caravida”…