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9 Abr 2021


Colombia: Prodeco has concessions requests rejected; requirements include environmental management measures

“Colombia rejects Glencore unit's return of two coal mining concessions”, 07 April 2021

...Colombia’s national mining agency (ANM) said...it has initially rejected a request by coal miner Prodeco, a wholly-owned unit of miner and commodity trader Glencore, to return two of its Colombian concessions...Obligations which must be met before returning two of the contracts for concessions included within La Jagua - including for environmental management - remain outstanding, the ANM said in a statement, making the request to return them “legally inviable.” “It’s not possible for the (agency) to approve the request for resignation because it is not up-to-date in complying with all contractual obligations at the time of submitting the resignation, as required by the mining code,” ANM President Juan Miguel Duran said in a separate message...“Prodeco is acting in full accordance with the legal and regulatory framework governing our operations and the mining sector,” the company said in an email, adding that it is evaluating the ANM’s decision...