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13 Set 2021

Isabel Debre, Associated Press

UAE: Casualty increase among food couriers due to lack of safe equipment & training, cos. comment

"As Dubai’s food delivery booms, dangers and casualties mount" 13 September 2021

........ Couriers in Dubai often lack protective gear and adequate safety training, industry experts said, with riders uneducated about critical motorcycle maneuvers like the blind-spot check. Helmets are often worn incorrectly. Contractors allocate just $27 a month for bike servicing — a small sum for a bike’s necessary oil changes and brake, tire and plug maintenance.

.....UAE-based Talabat, which saw its deliveries increase by 100% in the first half of the year, said the platform has “a very high standard” for rider training and ensures contractors provide insurance for medical care as required by law. The company, owned by Germany-based Delivery Hero, has introduced a taskforce of the best riders, it said, “who help to ensure that our fleet across the UAE continue to adhere to the safety rules.”

Deliveroo said it has adjusted working hours “to meet particularly high customer demand,” and stressed that all riders provide their contractors with documentation, including insurance.