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1 Jul 2014

Access Facility

Expert meeting report on “Sharing experiences and finding practical solutions regarding the implementation of the UNGP’s effectiveness criteria in grievance mechanisms”

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…[T]he meeting…underlined the urgent need for more nuanced thinking and acting about the application of the United Nations Guiding Principles and the effectiveness criteria in Principle 31…The discussion highlighted that attempting to apply universal principles and approaches to this wide spectrum of [non-judicial] mechanisms can be difficult and may not be useful. Instead the group found opportunities in building relational capacities within each sector…[T]he group discussed how different types of mechanisms do or should relate to each other, and how and when they do or need to complement and supplement judicial remedy , especially in the absence of effective judicial mechanisms…The group discussed important issues that apply to individual grievance mechanisms. These included the lack of information on whether and how non-judicial mechanisms do provide remedy in practice…as well as the recognition that local communities and affected rights-holders must be more active participants in the design and implementation of grievance mechanisms…