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16 Jul 2019

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Full briefing: "Fast & fair renewable energy: A practical guide for investors"

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This briefing sets out how investors can help tackle the climate crisis while respecting human rights in a just transition. It brings lessons from our surveys of 109 renewable energy companies, our investor engagement over the last three years, and insights from an expert advisory group...Evidence shows that there is an urgent need to raise the bar on human rights in the renewable energy sector. Investors will play a pivotal role in this...Companies and investors have a responsibility to respect human rights as per the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. However, most renewable energy companies do not currently have in place basic human rights policies and processes, which can help avoid or mitigate abuses and de-risk investment...Investors can influence renewable energy companies to do better, using the power of their investment to ask critical questions and push companies to think about these issues before abuses occur. Without respect for human rights through due diligence and adherence to international norms, renewable energy companies not only fall short of moral responsibilities but may also face complications including negative press coverage, project suspension, delays, and litigation that can also set back the transition to low-carbon economies.