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16 Ago 2018

Ava Lee, Global Witness

Global Witness stands with hundreds of US news organizations in support for press freedom

This morning over 350 media organizations across the US will publish editorials on press freedom in response to President Trump’s concerted efforts to attack them. As an anti-corruption campaign group, investigative journalism is at the heart of what we do and we stand in solidarity with all of them...At Global Witness we have seen these attacks on the press all over the world. In Cambodia, the clamp down on journalists is so extreme that we can only use Facebook to tell the Cambodian people...Just two years ago the political commentator Kem Ley was brutally murdered in broad daylight following an interview where he criticized the ruling elite’s business interests...And the stakes are becoming increasingly high in Europe too. In October, Panama Papers journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered with a car-bomb, mid-way through an investigation into corruption in Malta...Four months later Slovakian journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée were shot dead in their home while Kuciak wrote a story about money laundering and drug smuggling...In Niger we’ve seen journalists imprisoned without charge for criticizing a finance law that benefits major corporations, while just this week in Nigeria the government froze the bank account of a journalist who refused to disclose the source of his stories into the police service...The out-going UN Human Rights Chief, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, described Trump’s campaign against the US media as “very close to incitement of violence”.