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31 Mar 2019

Jack Britton, Jakarta Globe

Indonesia: Domestic workers most at risk, need urgent protection

 "Indonesia's Domestic Workers Need Urgent Protection", 21 November 2018

...Domestic workers are exposed to multiple vulnerabilities which, when combined with the current lack of state acknowledgement and protection, positions them as not only one of the largest segments of the national workforce, but also one of the most at risk.

...Legal protections for domestic workers remain extremely limited, while their fundamental labor rights are not adequately protected by any legislation. The lack of legal protections for domestic workers is not due to the absence of a suitable potential legal framework; rather to a resistant national legislature.

...The protection of domestic workers' bill, known as RUU PRT...has yet to be enacted....

The bill contains protections for domestic workers' rights, including the introduction of a standardized minimum wage, regulated working hours, regular days off and protection from mistreatment and violence.

...Komnas Perempuan commissioner Thaufiek Zulbahary explained that..."The bill works to build a more positive working environment that will advantage both domestic workers and their employers,"....

...There is also a transnational solution to providing legal protections for domestic workers.... The provisions in the convention, known as ILO 189, are in many ways similar to the domestic workers' bill: regulating working hours, work contracts, minimum wages, workplace health and safety, the right to days off, safeguards for children of domestic workers and protection from violence and mistreatment.

The convention is revolutionary in its protection of domestic workers' basic rights, but Indonesia has yet to ratified it....