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23 Jul 2019

Japan Times

Japan: Tokyo 2020 Olympics will "violate human rights", activists say

“We'll all be losers in 2020, anti-Olympic activists say”, 23 July 2019

Activists opposed to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games say the events will hurt individuals and businesses through high costs and disruption, and will provide only fleeting gains for a small number of people in the political, economic and media elite.

The anti-games organizations that spoke to reporters at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan… include Hangorin no kai, a Japan-based activist group, and NOlympics LA, a coalition of over 25 organizations in California opposed to the Olympic Games…

It [Hangorin no kai] added, the event will “violate human rights” through disruptions to public transportation and the displacement of homeless people. Moreover, wood used to build the main stadium may be illegally logged from rainforests…

Boykoff [a former professional soccer player] went on to claim that the Olympic Games almost always lead to overspending, displacement, the militarization of the police, corruption and to greenwashing — a term that refers to do-gooder work carried out for the sake of appearance and not for substantial change…

Los Angeles will be hosting the 2028 Olympic Games. Orchier [a Los Angeles resident] counts the athletes among the many victims of the Olympic Games as well, pointing to Larry Nassar, whose crimes were the basis of the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal in 2016.