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22 Nov 2022

The New York Times

Qatar 2022: German supermarket chain ends sponsoring of the German football association because of one-love-armband ban

"German retailer ends sponsorship to protest FIFA’s decision on #OneLove armbands.", 22 November 2022

Rewe ended its long sponsorship of Germany’s soccer federation on Tuesday.

The retail giant Rewe ended its long sponsorship of Germany’s soccer federation on Tuesday in protest of FIFA’s decision to prevent several European teams, including Germany, from wearing rainbow-colored armbands at the World Cup.


A day later, Rewe, a partner of Germany’s federation since 2008, said it no longer wanted to be associated with FIFA after its decision.

“We stand for diversity — and football is diversity too,” Rewe’s chief executive, Lionel Souque, said in comments reported by Der Spiegel. “FIFA’s scandalous attitude is absolutely unacceptable for me as the C.E.O. of a diverse company and as a football fan.”

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