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20 Set 2022

Sania Toyken, rus.azattyq.org

Kazakhstan: M-Techservice employees on strike demanding full salaries in compliance with arbitration decision, incl. co. comments

'M-Techservice' employees have been on strike in Mangistau since September 16, 20 September 2022

More than hundred employees of the 'M-Techservice' company in the Karakiya district of the Mangistau region have been on strike for the third day in a row. They went on strike on September 16 and have not been on shift since.

- The employer does not comply with the arbitration award and demands to return to work. We refused. All service companies of "Mangistaumunaigas" work for 12 hours, and get paid for it. While we work 12 hours, but get paid for 11. This is our only requirement [payment for 12 hours], - explained one of the workers, Kumiskali.

According to the workers who went on strike, three months ago they put forward demands regarding wages and then an arbitration decision was made. Under this decision, the company undertook to pay wages for a 12-hour working day. Workers, who went on strike, claim that the employer refused to comply with the terms of this agreement.

Representatives of the 'M-Techservice' company state that the employees did not follow the procedure for settling the labor dispute.

As of today both parties have sued each other...