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2 Mai 2019

Brian Ngugi, Business Daily (Kenya)

Kenya: Govt. to crack down recruitment agencies that expose migrant workers to mistreatment abroad

"State eyes deals with firms to fight abuse of Kenyans in Gulf"

The government is pursuing bilateral agreements with recruiting companies as it cracks down on rogue agencies that get Kenyan workers who end up exploited and abused in Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Labour Cabinet secretary Ukur Yatani said Kenya is also instituting a Labour Migration Policy and a Labour Migration Management Bill in response to the alarming number of mistreatment cases. “Some Kenyans seeking employment abroad and those already working there sometimes face challenges,” said Mr Yatani during the national Labour Day celebrations held in Nairobi. “To address this, the government has put in place measures from signing of bilateral labour agreements with key labour destination countries, vetting of all local private employment recruitment agencies by an interministerial committee in addition to posting of labour attaches.”